Friday, August 1, 2008

Viva La Vida ROCKS!!!!!

Viva La Vida / Death and all his friends - This is the new album from my favourite band COLDPLAY.I have been long waiting to get this album, but surprisingly I got the album from one of my German colleague.We were in a call discussing the status and stuff and suddenly my mobile rings with the "Clocks" ringtone, and the next moment we were talking about ColdPlay rather than our usual work stuff ;-).It so happened that he is also a die hard fan of ColdPlay same as me.So I got the entire album from him today and from morning its playing repeatedly in my iTunes library.

I have not seen many ColdPlay fans or is that I know someone who likes them so much as I do.But there is something about this band that I really like, whatever they do sounds great and so much enigmatic like the lyrics,music, their videos.Its so much hard to really get what they are trying to portrait.This mysterious factor makes them the best of all, they will remain my favourite for my entire life.

Coming to the album songs, its really awesome.Especially the songs "Strawberry Swing" and "Lost" , sounds so fresh and energetic.I have fallen in love with these songs and I just couldnt stop listening to it.Im still in office on a friday night listening to just their songs without doing anything at all.Im going nuts listening to this songs :-), I dunno how much im thankful to my colleague for sharing such a wonderful album.I need to get this album for sure, its one of their mastepiece which I would like to have of my own.

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