Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Third Time Unlucky :-(

I represent SAP Labs in football and we really have a good team.Eventhough we dont practise together much we have a good understanding in the matches.We participate in most of the inter-corporate tournaments and we are a consistent performers who always loose either in the finals or semi's :-(.

We lost again in the finals in the last tournament conducted this weekend.It is a tournament to remember for many reasons and one being we lost in finals again to the same team ANZ who beat us in the last finals as well.The other being we made some drastic changes aftermath including the change of the captain, not coz of his underperformance but just to remove the stress and pressure from him.Finally we had printed our own SAP jerseys for this tournament, though it didnt end up in a winning note we liked the new jersey.

I could not sleep for almost 2 days after the loss, since we have been the better team all through the match.We hit the post four times and had the possesion for most of the time.But they (ANZ) got a lucky goal and the match ended up 1-0 in favour of them.We really deserved the cup, but sadly we lost again in the finals to the same team :-(.We were heartbroken at the end of the match, but we decided to participate in the next tournament and we all are confident that we will win this time.

We were unlucky thrice, hope the fourth time turns the luck in our favour.Will keep posting the result of the matches.

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