Wednesday, August 29, 2007



Tears convey more than
What words can ever say.

Lonelier you feel,
Lonelier the world make you feel.

Even if I deserve the reward
I got to beg inroder to get it.

Words had hurt me more than
The wounds I had suffered in life.

No matter how many times I pray
I only get what I rightfully deserve.

When I am ecstatic about something
There are never enough people to share it with.

A face is not as important
As it is made to believe.

Its not always a coward who gives up a fight
Sometimes smart people too.

Kids are never at fault
They just mirror our faults.

One persons misery
Is another persons merriment.

Every relationship
Has an expiry date.

and finally this is my own realization in life

Expectations are always directly proportional to Disappointments.

1 comment:

Yuva said...

good one... where did u find this?

Why dont u convey the feelings in ur own TR style.... :)