Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight

Im really so desperate to watch the movie "The Dark Knight", directed by Christopher Nolan.I have become a big fan of Chris Nolan after watching "The Prestige", that im not gonna miss any of his movies from now on.I just read the movie details in IMDB site and people have rated this movie an amzing 9.7.Currently it has overtaken the legendary creation "The Godfather" in the top movies list.I couldnt stop thinking about this movie and im reading all available reviews and stuff.

I have booked two tickets for the movie already for tomorrow, but I dont have anyone to go with ;-).Hopefully I should get someone for it, if not I ll go alone.I cant wait for another week to see this movie, will write about it after watching this masterpiece.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Im on Cloud Nine ;)

I dunno why im feeling so happy these days or why the hell I wanna write it down here.But for some or the other reasons im feeling quite happy and so much relieved of worries these days.Im really not sure whether this is just a feeling or something really good happening to me.But what the hell, im liking it :-) watever it is.

Monday, July 7, 2008

We did it in the Seventh attempt

We finally won the corporate tournament yesterday after losing in six previous finals.Its totally an emotional win for us since we had lost the previous four consecutive finals.This is my first winners trophy in my corporate life after going through so many disappointments and hardship.We defeated Infy BPO in this finals and we did it in style with a 3-1 victory.

I will not forget the moment when the final whistle was blown.I really realised that we are the champs after so many agonising defeats, and its time for us to celebrate this time for a change :-).We all celebrated the sweet victory a lot and we cherish each and every moment of it for a very long time.Hope this brings loads of confidence within the team and we could continue this winning ways in the upcoming tournaments.

This win is very special for the entire team for lot of reasons.This is the tournament where all the senior and usual starters opted to sit out and take some rest and give chance to the regular sub players.We luckily got through in tie-break as the group winners after both the teams finished with same points and goal difference.Then the usual starters including me ;) stepped in for the semi's and finals and dramatically we won the tournament.The things fell in place for us all through the weekend and we took the opportunity well and got rewarded for it bigtime.

Icing on the cake for this tournament is the Sponsors.Tiger Beer is the sponsors and they provided with unlimited beer for the party they had arranged yesterday night.We all went and had lot of fun boozing and partying, it doesnt always happen that someone gives you unlimited beer for free ;-).We thoroughly deserved the victory and we did it in style.Im really hoping that we could keep the winning momentum going for a very long time.